🎶 📀 "E-digging" is a term often used to describe an internet-based activity where you search or "dig" for music. People are often asking where they can find samples looking for a typical type of sound to add to their beats.
Because the possibilities on the internet are practically endless and there's an array of genres you can find, having an overload of information at your fingertips isn't exactly helpful either. 😕
👉 >>> Below are a few websites you can dig around and come up with some interesting finds!
Enjoy ✌️
Some might underestimate youtube when it comes to finding samples. It might not be the best quality to dig of off, but it's a great source for starting out.FUNK MY SOUL
GET DOWN! GET DOWN! Looking for soulful and funky gems! This the place to be! Probably one of my more recent favorites, because it has such a huge catalog of funk and soul music you that can't go wrong >> https://www.funkmysoul.gr/
Tracklib is a new crate digging and sampling service where every single song can be licensed for release within minutes. >> https://www.tracklib.com/
I have to admit that searching for the right sample can be time consuming, I end up digging for hours. But the overall point is to enjoy what you are listening too as well. I suggest WEFUNK RADIO as they have an app for it 📲. So you can enjoy music and find new stuff on the go. Check it out! >>https://www.wefunkradio.com/